The Wedding Ceremony

"Two lovers do not actually meet, they are in each other all along." -- Rumi
The ceremony is arguably the most important part of your wedding. It's where you declare your intentions to each other.
This is one of the most moving moments of your life - we want to help you make it memorable and meaningful - primarily for you, but also for your guests.
We have several "templates" of ceremonies prepared to assist you. When you decide to work with us, we will send you the one that best fits your needs, based on our conversations about your ceremony. We strongly recommend, however, if you choose to use one of our ceremonies, that both of you make changes to it so that it becomes more personally meaningful to you.
Perhaps there's a song, or a poem,
or a bible verse which is especially meaningful to you
both - by all means include it. Our intention is to
support and assist you in having the type of ceremony
that will open your hearts and lift your spirits - to
launch you on your journey into a healthy, happy, loving
If you choose a Native American ceremony, the shaman will use the traditional wedding ceremony from his or her nation. In most cases, however, there is no problem including songs, poems or prayers that you would like to have as part of your ceremony.
Whether you prefer a traditional, religious ceremony, or something less conventional, we will be happy to accommodate your needs and desires in this area.
Lower photo by Andrew Holman Photography